Lunchtime Concerts 2013 and 2014







Cross-Disciplinary Interplay between the

Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice











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For Lunchtime Concerts 2013, please scroll down this page.

For Lunchtime Concerts 2010-2012, please see HERE.

To navigate back to Events/Calendar, click HERE.




FALL 2014




First concert in the 2014 Chamber Music Festival

with students from the

Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark

(Syddansk Musikkonservatorium og Skuespillerskole-SMKS)

Thursday, November 20, 12 noon - 1 p.m. on the

Campus Square, University of Southern Denmark at Odense

Program as pdf-file HERE.

Facebook event page HERE.



Here is a press release - in Danish - from the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark (SMKS) about the entire 2014 Chamber Music Festival/Kammermusikfestival, November 20-23, 2014:





De klassiske kammermusikere ved SMKS spiller efteråret på hæld med otte koncerter på fire dage.

Fra den 20. til den 23. november står efteråret i kammermusikkens tegn, når Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole indtager en række spændende og utraditionelle spillesteder under den årlige Kammermusikfestival. Med fem koncerter i Odense, to i Esbjerg og en enkelt i Faaborg er der sat fuldt blus på kammermusikken, når festivalen løber af stablen mod slutningen af november. I løbet af de otte koncerter kan publikum nyde såvel strygere og blæsere som pianister og sangere, når de mere end 50 deltagende studerende fra de to byers musikkonservatorier spiller værker af såvel kendte som mindre kendte komponister. 

Kammermusik kendetegnes bl.a. ved at det skal kunne spilles uden dirigent. Musikerne skal således selv kunne overskue musikken og kommunikere indbyrdes mens de spiller. Musikken får således karakter af en samtale musikerne imellem, hvilket digteren Goethe også påpegede i et brev til den tyske komponist C.F. Zelter i 1829:

Du hører fire fornuftige personer, der konverserer, og tænk dig, om man kunne få noget ud af deres diskussion og lære deres forskellige instrumenters ejendommelighed at kende.

Netop denne udveksling af ideer og følelser musikerne imellem fremhæver festivalens tilrettelægger celloprofessor Niels Ullner, som noget helt centralt ved kammermusikken: 

Kammermusik er en kunstnerisk samtaleform, som sætter ekstra fokus på kommunikationen mellem de involverede musikere. Når vi bruger ordet i professionel betydning, tænker vi oftest på en situation, hvor musikere udveksler ideer og følelser på scenen på en spontan måde, der i bedste fald videregives til publikum i form af en troværdig og engagerende oplevelse.

SMKS Kammermusikfestival omfatter i år i alt otte koncerter:

12:00 Frokostkoncert på Syddansk Universitet, Odense
19:00 Museumskoncert i Fåborg Kunstmuseum

12:10 ”12:10 koncert” i Konservatoriet’s koncertsal i Esbjerg
17:00 Fyraftenskoncert på Carl Nielsen Muséet, Odense

11:00 Brunchkoncert Studenterhuset, Odense
15:00 Museumskoncert på BRANDTS, Odense

15:00 Kirkekoncert i Sædden Kirke, Esbjerg
15:00 Koncert i Jernbanemuseet, Odense

Yderligere information fås hos undertegnede eller hos professor Niels Ullner.

Med venlig hilsen
Kasper Bøg



. . . and at the University of Southern Denmark, the Lunchtime Concert Series looks forward to hosting the first concert in the 2014 Chamber Music Festival in cooperation with the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (SMKS) on Thursday, November 20, 2014, 12 noon - 1 p.m. on the Campus Square.


Cynthia M. Grund on behalf of The Performances of Everyday Living and The Aesthetics of Music and Sound

Marielouise Klose on behalf of M*U*S*I*C – Music Union for Student Interaction and Creativity.

Leif Jensen on behalf of ResQ-Teknisk Service




LUNCHTIME CONCERT with William Westney, piano.

Haydn, Mendelssohn, Schumann og Kapustin


12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program with notes available HERE as pdf-file.

Facebook event page available HERE.








Concert and seminar. 





12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program with available HERE as pdf-file.

Facebook event page HERE.



. . . and a seminar:


Thursday, October 9, 2014, 4:15-6 p.m. in U67





Vox Humana


Theo van Leeuwen is Professor of Multimodal Communication at the University of Southern Denmark and Emeritus Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. He has published widely in the areas of social semiotics, multimodal communication and critical discourse analysis. His books include Reading Images – The Grammar of Visual Design (with Gunther Kress);  Speech, Music, Sound;  Multimodal Discourse – the Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication (with Gunther Kress); Global Media Discourse (with David Machin),  Introducing Social Semiotics; Discourse and Practice – New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis, and The Language of Colour. He is a founding editor of the journal Visual Communication.


Abstract: People have long dreamt of making musical instruments sound like the human voice. “If the violin stop is added”, wrote Father Mersenne  in his Harmonie Universelle of 1636, “it seems that there will be nothing more to desire in the organ unless it be that the pipes should sound the vowels and the syllables. ..this it seems must not be hoped for because of the great difficulties encountered.”

     Today’s electronic instruments do ‘sound the syllables and the vowels’, but human voices now use technologies such as autotune and vocoder to produce sounds which reach beyond the natural human range,  sustain beyond the  natural duration of the human breath, and produce timbres and effects the human voice cannot naturally produce.

     This paper will sketch the history of the interaction between the voice and technology and discuss the values that are at stake in this interaction.


Poster available as pdf file HERE.

Facebook event page HERE.


Audience participation via Skype is also welcome.




Concert and seminar. 




- Jazz at the Piano -



12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program with notes (in Danish) available HERE as pdf-file.

Facebook event page: HERE



. . . and a seminar:


Thursday, September 25, 2014, 3:15-5 p.m. in U67



What Chords Are Doing: On Tonality in Jazz Improvisation and in Tonal Music in General. From Schönberg to Bill Evans


Per Aage Brandt, Professor Adj. in Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University. Founder of the journal Cognitive Semiotics. Jazz pianist.


Abstract: This will seem very elementary to you: Tonality is based on the very peculiar phenomenon of tone, truly parallel to that of symbolic units such as, speech sounds (phonemes) and graphs in writing (graphemes) and certain colors (chromemes). A tone is a sound with a clear F0 (zero formant); it does not refer to its source but instead to other tones – mental entities that 1) form syntactic compositions 2) associated with meanings and 3) admitting widely variable expression.
    Tones are identified by octaves, whereas non-tonal sounds do not have octaves. The tonal octave gives rise to a huge array of possible scales that again feed the melodics of tonal phrases; this is as far as we know a universal phenomenon, which also determine the configuration of musical instruments. The scale-to-phrase relation is basic in all forms of music, musical transmission and musical learning. But in many forms of written and unwritten music, something happens between scale and phrase, namely so-called harmony, a practice built on selections of tones from a given scale that are allowed to be sounding simultaneously for a number of beats in so-called measures, or ‘bars’: chords (a term motivated by the instruments that can easily do this). One chord at a time. The phrase will consequently sound as figure on a ‘ground’ created by the chord. The next step that complicates the situation is modulation, that is, an autonomous use of changes from chord to chord that altersthe underlying scale! This move creates a new situation for the formation of phrases. Now the phrase will have to conform to changing scales, so that the eligibility of tones changes, sometimes instantly. The musician will know when that happens by listening to the chord changes and swiftly calculate what they do to the scale that a piece, or tune, started with or otherwise is dominated by (and which has a base tone called the ‘tonic’ or key note and an internal so-called ‘functional’ order based on the formants of the base tone), so that the melodic phrasing does not get out of ‘tune’. Modulation with changing basic tones now becomes a highly sophisticated sport, until so-called atonal and serial music stopped the entire process of complexification and reverted to inventive forms of the scale-to-phrase organization.
     Arnold Schönberg has a nice dynamic interpretation of the internal principles of functionality and modulation, as they were developed from the Renaissance music and up to late Romantic harmonization. Here is historically where jazz music takes over by developing canonical and cyclic patterns that allow musicians to coordinate their inter-playing online and cultivate polyphonic but personalized improvisation as a new art form. I will study a couple of examples from great masters incl. saxophonist Coltrane (Giant Steps) and pianist Bill Evans (Time Remembered).

Kamraan Z. Gill & Dale Purves 2009, “A Biological Rationale for Musical Scales” offers a wonderful overview of scales in the world’s music.
Arnold Schönberg, (1911) 1922, Harmonielehre, Universal Edition.


Facebook event page: soon available HERE


Audience participation via Skype is also welcome.


Poster available as pdf file HERE.




- Alternativ poprock-

with August Korsgaard, piano

Laurits Brinkmann, bass


12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program with notes (in Danish) available HERE as pdf-file.

Facebook event page: available HERE









Schumann, Brahms and Liszt


12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program with notes (in Danish) available HERE as pdf-file.

Facebook event page: HERE










There was a  "bonus" Lunchtime Concert


12 noon - 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27 in

The Winter Garden at SDU-Odense!


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program available HERE as pdf-file.





Opera Transcriptions: Love and Hate at the Piano

 THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2014

12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program available HERE as pdf-file.








12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program available HERE as pdf-file






12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.

Concert program available HERE as pdf-file








12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:


Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file.


Concert program available HERE as a pdf-file.




My scientific work examines the integration of sound and visual stimuli when bringing the emotions to the mind. In other words, I work as an “experimental” film music composer, strictly controlling discrete musical variables with the purpose of studying how this manipulation shapes the emotional experience of the audience.
     Within the Lunchtime Concert Series, I will be presenting two different types of multimedia materials: a set of animated short films accompanied by music composed for film-music research projects, and various interactive audiovisual applications developed with Max/MSP/Jitter. The artworks will merge art, science and technology to explore how music affects our emotional responses to what we see.

Examples ( 
     Intermedia Patch: participants are asked to choose a musical sonority, and then visually to tune a certain provided image with the previously chosen sonority (this design gains insights about cross-modal links between the musical and visual structures).


The images show three different visual adjustments of the same image (Original in top left corner - Kandinsky, 1913)


     Audiovisual Rorschach: Aimed at exploring how we use sound to make sense of visual information, participants are asked to describe what is seen when presented with abstracts animations accompanied by music with a specific sonority.


Example of an ambiguous image (created by Fernando Bravo) designed to be simultaneously experienced with sound, and used to explore how the characteristics of music contribute to the emotional comprehension of visual information.



Part 1 - Set of animated short films accompanied by music composed for film-music research projects: 4 short films will be presented, with a total approximate duration of 25-30 minutes.

Part 2 - Interactive audiovisual applications developed with Max/MSP/Jitter:
-SETi (Search for extraterrestrial integrity)
-Audiovisual Rorschach
-Intermedia Patch

I created these applications as scientific experiments for children to play with during different outreach activities at Cambridge (Festival of Ideas, Taster Days, Science Festival. etc.). These are not installations but just very simple applications that I developed with Max software. My idea with these apps is to show the audience how they work, let them play with them (if they wish), and describe the artistic/scientific background that is behind their development. This section will have a duration of 15-20 minutes.

The whole program is planned to last approximately 50-55 minutes


Concert program available HERE as a pdf-file.


Fernando Bravo is a clinical psychologist, neuroscience researcher, classical guitar performer and composer from Argentina. He joined the Centre for Music and Science (University of Cambridge) in 2011 as a PhD student investigating the effects of music upon the emotional processing of visual information. Fernando’s research work is directed at understanding the influence of music in film and other electronic multimedia from a cognitive/neuroscientific perspective. In particular, his research is focused on analyzing how alterations of specific aspects within the musical structure may influence the emotional interpretation of visual scenarios. Fernando’s research work is supported by a Queens’ College Walker Cambridge Studentship.

By training Fernando is a psychologist (Bachelor's degree), graduated with honors from Argentine Catholic University (UCA) in Buenos Aires. He holds a Master's degree in Clinic Psychology from La Matanza National University and advanced training in severe psychopathology at Pirovano's Hospital. In addition, he is a classical guitarist and composer, with studies in classical guitar performance and composition at Buenos Aires Conservatory of Music “Manuel de Falla”, with further studies in composition, music technology and sound design applied to audio-visual media at Argentine Catholic University (UCA).

Between 2009 and 2011, he conducted research as a Fulbright Scholar in the United States, developing studies (Master of Science) at Iowa State University of Science and Technology, within the Integrated Electronic Arts Program established by Dr Christopher Hopkins. Supervised by Dr Hopkins, he conducted research in multimedia, studying the various ways in which music may shape the semantic processing of visual contexts, and analyzing how these processes might be evaluated in an empirical setting. His research specifically targeted the emotive effects of music on visuals; combining the fields of cognitive psychology, musical composition, sound design and computer graphics (3D modeling/animation).

Before he was awarded the Fulbright Grant, Fernando worked as a clinical psychologist with adults and children who suffered from severe psychopathological disorders (psychosis and autism spectrum). Fernando taught courses on Personality and Developmental Psychology and conducted research focused on the development of potential non-verbal multimedia applications for the diagnosis of severe psychopathological disorders at the research program of the Psychology Department at UCA. As a musician, Fernando is devoted to classical guitar performance and composition, having composed solo guitar pieces, chamber music, works for guitar and orchestra, short film scores and several intermedia compositions.



Fernando Bravo will also be presenting The Effects of Music upon the Emotional Processing of Visual Information from a Neuroscientific Perspective Thursday, February 20, 2014, 3:15-5 p.m. in U73 as part of the series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound.  In addition, on Friday, February 21 in Comenius, Institute for the Study of Culture (times soon to be announced), Fernando Bravo will give a presentation on the topic of Music Technology and Psychological Research: An Introduction to Max/MSP/Jitter for   Artistic and Scientific Purposes and a presentation dealing with Das Unheimliche and Musical Dissonance: Mentalizing, Self-Other Distinction, Metaphor and Cross-Modal Mechanisms in the Brain.

Please see here for more information.





Lunchtime Concerts 2013





Lunchtime Concert

December 12, 12 noon to 1 p.m., 

in The Winter Garden, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense. Concert of seasonal music with Nikolaj Nottelmann, tenor, and Cynthia M. Grund, piano.


Concert program available HERE. Concert poster available HERE.









Concert program available HERE. Concert poster available HERE.




The third Lunchtime Concert during the fall of 2013 took place at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense on the Campus Square, 12:00-13:00 on Thursday, November 7, and featured students from the Performance Program at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark. The production was entitled Elements (as in the famous four: earth, air, fire and water). It was an exciting and innovative hour of music theatre!





 Concert program available HERE. Concert poster available HERE.

There is already a Facebook Event page at







The second Lunchtime Concert during the fall of 2013 took place at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense in The Winter Garden, directly across the hall from the entrance to Cafeteria, 12:00-13:00 on Thursday, October 10, and features baritone Anders Block and pianist Christian Verdoner Larsen. Poster for the concert available HERE as a pdf-file. Program (with notes in Danish) available HEREas a pdf-file.



The first Lunchtime Concert during the fall of 2013 inaugurated a new dining and performance space at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense - The Winter Garden -directly across the hall from the entrance to Cafeteria. It will took place 12:00-13:00 on Thursday, September 12, and features pianist Janus Araghipour together with soprano Sidse Malende Bohm, baritone Anders Christensen and soprano Maria Due Marstal.Poster for the concert available HERE as a pdf-file. Program (with notes in Danish) available HEREas a pdf-file.




Lunchtime Concerts are also scheduled for the following Thursdays from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at various venues on the SDU campus in Odense:


November 7,

November 21 and

December 12.


More information will become available as the semester progresses.




(Please scroll down the page for more information about the individual concerts.)


The Aesthetics of Music and Sound




Poster available as pdf-file here.





The fifth - and final - Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 takes place 12-13 on Thursday, May 2, and features pianist Giacomo di Tollo performing A Festival of Italian Operatic, Belle Époque and Contemporary Piano Transcriptions. Poster for the concert available HERE as a pdf-file. Program (with notes in English) available HERE as a pdf-file. The Lunchtime Concert Series continues with an exciting program during the fall semester 2013! Please watch here as more details become available.



The fourth Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 was actually a "bonus" Coffee Break Concert that took place 14:30-15.30 on Wednesday, April 24, and featured pianist Janus Araghipour performing a program of music by Beethoven, Nielsen, Bach, Debussy, Schumann og Chopin.Poster for the concert available HEREas a pdf-file. Program (with notes in Danish) available HERE as a pdf-file.



The third Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 took  place 12-13 on April 18 and features pianist Morten Heide performing a program consisting exclusively of the virtuosic piano music of Charles-Valentin Alkan in honor of the 200th anniversary of Alkan's birth. Poster for the concert available HEREas a pdf-file. Program (with notes) available HERE as a pdf-file.





The second Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 took place 12-13 on March 21 and featured Emma Oemann, soprano, and Teresemarie Lisiux, piano, who will celebrate the arrival of spring with Britten, Mozart, Puccini and Bernstein. Poster for the concert available HERE as a pdf-file. Program with notes (in Danish) available HEREas pdf-file. 




The first Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 took place 12-13 on February 21, 2013 in Cafeteria 4, SDU-Odense and featured pianist Minako Jensen, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts - Southern Denmark - please see below for poster and program (in Danish).



The Aesthetics of Music and Sound





Concert: Thursday, February 21, 12 noon to 1 p.m. in Cafeteria 4:

Poster for the concert available here.

Program for the concert (in Danish) available here.



Seminar: Thursday, February 21, 3:15-5 p.m. in U73


Aesthetics and Pedagogies for Making Music with New Media

S. Alex Ruthmann

PhD, Assistant Professor Music Education, Department of Music

Faculty Fellow in Residence, Commonwealth Honors Program, UMass, Lowell

President, Association for Technology in Music Instruction

Co-Editor, International Journal of Education & the Arts

(Via Skype.)

This presentation will share contemporary exemplars of new tools and musical practices for making music with new media. Online communities of youth practice are also emerging alongside, and embedded within, these new tools and platforms. More and more, children are learning from and teaching each other mediated by online fora and shared media exemplars. In the process, children are building shared understanding and distributed expertise often in semi-private environments not accessible to their teachers. Given that children increasingly have access to these musical tools (e.g.,, MIT's Scratch, GarageBand,,, etc.) and are actively using them to create music with new media, how should school- and community-based music educators respond to these innovations? How can school music educators make space for and facilitate these new forms of musicianship in their classrooms? In many cases, these new tools and practices raise pedagogical and technological issues that challenge notions of musical aesthetics and practices held dear by formally trained educators and musicians. Processes and practices which used to be only accessible to the most expert practitioners after years of practice now seem to be available to any child at the flick of a finger. These issues, and others, will be raised and problematized.

Audience participation via Skype is also welcome.

Poster for the seminar available here.


Schedule for series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound

Schedule for Lunchtime Concert Series








Department for the
Study of Culture




Research Director for 

The Performances of

Everyday Living

Coordinator for

The Aesthetics of

Music and Sound


Editor and Webmaster for

Cynthia M. Grund





PLEASE NOTE: During the month of March 2015 and possibly extending into April/May 2015, heavy construction will be taking place on this website behind the scenes as it "migrates" to new editing software. Please be patient with us during this period if occasionally some pages take on a strange appearance, or if updating seems to be a bit erratic. All efforts will be made to maintain the integrity of the page with the schedule for the seminar series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound: Mostly Metal here, but it will nevertheless be a good idea also to keep an eye on our Facebook group here and the regularly occurring announcements of events on it during this period. Thank you for your patience!

     During March-May 2015 we will also continue to develop our new

channel, which we encourage you to visit here.



for ""Updates" and "News":

Click HERE.




The Aesthetics of Music and Sound -              

Cross-Disciplinary Interplay between the Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice 

Site of the SDU-IKV Research Program: The Performances of Everyday Living